Monday, March 30, 2009


Sandy Here:

We have decided that we're going to stop starting every post with "Sorry it's been so long..." That's just the way it is. We will hopefully get some pictures posted soon--the girls are having more awake time and starting to give you these smiles that just melt your heart (a good thing when they are still awake at 4 a.m.!), and their different personalities are really starting to emerge. Also, they are starting to sleep longer at night, which means I'm starting to sleep longer at night, which means I feel more human and like the newborn fog is gradually starting to lift away from me.

It's actually been a busy couple weeks around here (well, busier than our usual life with Tava and Analee). Scott, Molly, and Audrey were down for a visit, and Molly stayed an extra week to help out with the babies--it was wonderful! Audrey had a good time with her cousins, and it made me more determined than ever to raise good travelling babies so we can continue to go up to Denver regularly. More on their visit later...

As I put the girls down for their early morning nap this morning (really just an extension of night sleep at this point, but I like to call it nap, because then they can sleep wherever they want and I don't feel guilty they're not in their crib), and got my breakfast, I realized that one of the biggest things that separates parents from non-parents (besides the obvious kid thing) is a single word: laziness. As a non-parent, I could say, "Well, I really need to get dressed, do laundry, have breakfast, check my work email and do the dishes. But you know what? I'm feeling lazy, I think I'll watch an episode of "Alias" (my new obsession-thank God for Netflix) instead and do those other things later." As a new parent, the conversation runs something more like this, "Okay, the babies are down, not sure for how long (their naps aren't predictable yet), I have to get dressed, do laundry, eat breakfast, check my work email, and do the dishes RIGHT NOW--and do all those things quickly so I don't leave a trail of half done things around the house--because who knows when I'll get another opportunity to be productive!"

It's a great lesson in productiveness, time management, and those 10 minutes where you can say "Hmmm, I don't have anything to do--maybe I could watch some "Alias"--wait, is that a baby I hear?"


Elisa and Adam said...

Funny! I totally get that! Right here with ya. ;)

Heather Marie said...

I amuse myself periodically with thoughts like "Just try and make me change that poopy diaper," or "nah, I don't think you need milk - you look like you could stand to skip a meal."